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Reflective Essay (5),Creative Writing by Husni Rahman Yoga

        At this time I will tell a touching story as well as an activator of life so that I always try and be grateful for what God Almighty gave me.
As usual every Thursday we will be on campus to study one of our Compulsory Subject Creative Writing  which is taught by Mam Rahmah.
       However, there was something different that day, Mam was absent due to a disaster that happened to her family, namely The Passing of her husband in the evening. I, as a student, remembered something that until now was still ringing in my ears and my thoughts as a motivation for life, namely the life story of her husband who fought a very deadly disease, never gave up even though the ordeal was facing. compared to me who was still given good health, I still often felt unsatisfied and still complained about the small and useless things, I was embarrassed and from now on I changed since given and told the story when mam rahmah taught Creative Writing.

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